Minggu, 09 Agustus 2009

Hukum Usaha Studio Musik

Halal or not the type of business you want to develop will be very
of how the law affected the music itself. When the music is
kosher law, then of course the business related to the field of music
also tend to be relatively clean. Conversely, if the law is music haram,
reasonable if the law automatically opens the music rental is also the
also forbidden.

The problem now, it appears that many scholars who forbid music,
forbidden in both the total and partial. And on the other hand, we
also find a slightly different opinion, where scholars
menghalalkan music with a certain condition.

So please you read our study on the following legal music
Syariat in the eyes of Islam, between those who mengharamkannya and
that allow it.

Basically the law libretto and music that have been agreed and there is a
be debated. Scholars agree that forbid songbook contains
lyric-lyric dirty, grubby and lewd. As the words of others, the
and a general dirty grubby forbidden in Islam. Scholars also agree
allow a good libretto, and arouse the spirit does not work
dirty, grubby and invite lust, not sung by a woman
and foreign music without instruments.

Adapaun addition, the different scholars opinions, as follows:

Jumhur scholars menghalalkan hear libretto, but changed to
unlawful in the following conditions:

1. If accompanied kemungkaran, such as while drinking khomr, casino and

2. If the cause is feared as the scandal emerged
birahi love the woman or vice versa.

3. If the negligent and leave obligations, such as
leave to pray or pause-nundanya and the like.

Madzhab Maliki, asy-Syafi'i Hambali and some argued that the
libretto is heard makruh. If you hear from the women's foreign
the makruh. According to Maliki that the chanson hearing damage
muru'ah (authority). As for the asy-Syafi'i because it contains lahwu
(useless work). And Ahmad on the ungkapannya: "I
do not like the libretto for the birth hypocrisy in the heart. "

The scholars who menghalalkan libretto, among them: 'Abdullah bin
Ja'far, Abdullah bin Al-Zubair, Al-Mughirah bin Syu'bah, Usamah bin Zaid,
Umran bin Hushain, Muawiyah bin Abi Sufyan, Atha bin Abi Ribah, Abu
Khallal Al-Bakr, Abu Bakr Abdul Aziz, and Al-Gazali. So that the
general it can be concluded that the scholars of Muslims menghalalkan
listen libretto of the good, if free from all kinds of
is forbidden, as mentioned above.

While the law relating to the use of musical instruments and
listen, the scholars also different opinions. Jumhur dominie
forbid musical instrument. In accordance with some of these hadith,
as follows:

"Surely there will be among my people, people who menghalalkan adultery,
silk, khamr and tools that sniff. "(HR Bukhari)

Nafi from Ibn Umar that fife shepherds heard the voice, he
telingannya cover with two fingers and switch kendaraannya
from the road. He said: "O Nafi 'whether you hear?".
I replied: "Yes." Then continue until I berjalanannya
said: "No". Ibn Umar and the hands, and
kendaraannya switch to the other and said, "I see
Messenger of Allah. hear the flute and then do as pastors
this "(HR Ahmad, Abu Ibn Majah and David).

From Umar bin Hushain, that the Messenger of Allah. people say about this,
"Eclipse, earthquake and slander." Said someone from the Muslims,
"O Messenger of Allah when that happens?" Apostle said, "If the singer,
music and drink dominant "(At-Tirmidzi HR).

The scholars discuss and argue about the hadith-hadith
haramnya libretto and music. The first hadith by Imam diriwayatkan
Bukhari in Shahihnya, from Abi Malik Al Asy'ari ra. Hadits this
although there is a hadith in shahih Bukhori, but the scholars
memperselisihkannya. Many of them said that
This hadith is mualaq (sanadnya lost), of which it is said
by Ibn Hazm. Besides, among the scholars stated that
Matan and sanad hadith is not safe from the shock (idtirab).
Say, that the hadith shohih this, because it is in hadith
shohih Bukhori, nash but in this hadith are general, not
point tools with a certain name. The limitation is
if he neglect.

Hadits both said by David as Abu hadits may. Even if
shohih this hadith, the Messenger of Allah. mengharamkannya not clear.
Even listen to the Prophet as was done
by Ibn Umar. While the third is a hadith hadith ghorib. And
hadith-hadith other music-related law, when examined
apparently does not have a shohih.

The scholars who menghalalkan music as among
expressed by Imam asy-Syaukani in the books, is Nailul Authar
as follows: Medina and other Ulama, scholars such as Dzahiri and Ahlu jama'ah
Sufi provide facilities on the libretto and even with the guitar
violin. Also diriwayatkan by Abu Mansur Al-As-Bagdadi Syafi'i in
books that Abdullah bin Ja 'far that does not nyanyi
anything, even allow the slave-woman to sing and
his own strain to listen to voices. And it happened in
period khilafah Amirul Believers Ali ra. Similarly Abu Mansur
narrate similar things on Qodhi Syuraikh, Said bin Al-Musayyib, Atho
bin abi Ribah, Az-Zuhri and asy-Sya'bi.

Imam Al-Haramain in the books, An-Nihayah and Ibn Abi Ad-Dunya that
menukil of Al-Itsbaat Al-Muarikhiin; that Abdullah bin Al-Zubair
has a slave-woman and guitarist. And Ibn Umar had kerumahnya
there was disampingnya guitar, Ibn Umar said: "Is this the O
friend of the Prophet. Ibn Al-Zubair and then get to it,
Merenungi Ibn Umar then said: "This Syami Mizan (musical instrument)
from Syria? ". Ibn Al-Zubair said:" With this a person can rationally
balanced ". diriwayatkan And from the Ar-Rowayani of Al-Qofaal that
Malik bin Anas madzhab allow the libretto with a musical instrument.

Thus scholars opinions on listening to music equipment. And if
examined carefully, the scholars who forbid muta'akhirin tools
music as they take the attitude waro '(careful). They see
damage arising dimasanya. While scholars of the salaf
Companions and Tabi 'in menghalalkan musical instrument because they see
indeed there is no proof either from Al-Qur'an and hadith that clearly
mengharamkannya. So that is returned in the original law mubah.
Therefore, for Muslims who listen to music and libretto
shall consider the following factors:

First: Song Lyrics that Dilantunkan.

Law relating to the lyrics as this is the law
given the speech and the expression of each other. That is, if
capacious according syara ', the law allowed. And when
muatanya bad menurutsyara ', then banned.

Second: Used Music Instruments.

As has already been disclosed in advance that, the basic law that applies
in Islam is that everything is basically allowed
unless there is a clear prohibition. With this provision, the equipment
music used to accompany the lyrics of both the libretto
basically allowed. While the musical instrument that is agreed by bolehnya
jumhur scholars is ad-dhuf (musical instrument is beaten). The tool
music is forbidden to listen to, the different scholars
of one another. One thing that is agreed is that all equipment
forbidden if neglect.

Third: How Appearance.

Appearance must be maintained is still awake from the things that
prohibited syara 'birahi as pengeksposan love, sex, pornography and

Fourth: Due to the cause.

Although it mubah something, but if the strong cause is suspected
things forbidden, such as neglect of prayer, the emergence ulah
audience that is not Islamic as a direct response, and the like, then
something to be forbidden as well. In accordance with the principle Saddu Adz
dzaroi '(close the door kemaksiatan).

Fifth aspect Tasyabuh.

Special device, and a serving of that particular model has become
characterize certain groups of musicians who clearly deviate from the line
Islam, should be avoided in order not trapped in the tasyabbuh
a nation that is not justified. Messenger of Allah. said:

"Who is like a nation he would include them" (HR Ahmad
Abu and David)

Sixth: People sing.

Forbidden for Muslims to deliberately listen to women's libretto
which is not muhrimnya. As Allah SWT says.:

"O wives of the Prophet, you is not like a woman who
others, if you will be cautious. So do not you speak in the subject
berkeinginanlah so that people who have the disease in his heart, and
speak the word of the good "(QS Al-Ahzaab 32).

Therefore conclusions about the legal libretto and music in the hope that Islam
beneficial for Muslims and become a guide in life

Wallahu a'alam
Sarwat Ahmad, LC

Tips Bertahan Dalam Bisnis Rental Studio Musik

Di bawah ini akan saya berikan artikel tips bagaimana cara bertahan dalam Bisnis Studio Musik;

Banyak terdapat studio musik maupun rental organ tunggal. Mungkin Anda kurang berminat terhadap musik organ, Anda lebih memilih rental studio band. Banyak di antaranya yang berlokasi di pinggiran jalan. Dibatasi oleh dinding langsung menuju jalur jalan dua arah di mana rute bis antar kota lalu lalang. Ada juga dibelakang rumah makan padang, si pemilik mempunyai jabatan ganda, sebagai penjual masakan padang dan owner studio musik. Maksudnya mungkin baik, jika para pemain sudah berlatih kecapean, mungkin akan tersalurkan nafsu makannya dengan memesan nasi padang hangat langsung di depan pintu keluar studio dan tagihan akan disatukan dengan bill rentalnya. Kemungkinan dengan keadaan seperti itu amply gitar head cabinet apapun merknya lama-lama akan tercium bau rendang. Usaha bisa digabung, tapi ada batasan ruangnya yang dibedakan berdasarkan fungsi. Di mana latihan band dan dimana acara kuliner diadakan. Alasannya terdengar tidak asing jika ditanya kenapa?

Beberapa hal yang perlu dan penting diperhatikan untuk bertahan dalam bisnis rental studio musik.
1. Selalu utamakan konsumen adalah Raja.
Perlakukan seistimewa mungkin dan tegur seramah mungkin. Sering memang stick drum patah oleh pada penyewa rental, bukan berarti kita berhak untuk marah-marah. Sering terjadi skin snare bolong karena penjiwaan lagu dengan beat menggebu-gebu kita berhak untuk ngomel-ngomel. Bagaimana pun juga penyewa mengeluarkan koceknya untuk menyewa studio musik mengasah keterampilan mereka dalam bermain musik. Di sini perlu disusun aturan mainnya, jika ada peralatan musik yang rusak tidak disengaja maupun disengaja, pemilik alangkah baiknya menempelkan aturan-aturan mainnya di tempat yang mudah dilihat.
2. Pemeliharaan Barang
Penting sekali untuk meremajakan alat musik studio secara berkala, minimal maintenance-nya. Skin pada drum jika memang sudah tidak bisa mengeluarkan suara yang diinginkan bisa di ganti atau minimal di”tunning” ulang. Snar-snar pada gitar untuk diremajakan agar tetap dalam kondisi bagus. Perawatan kebersihan pada alat dan instrumen musik lebih baik jika dilakukan 1 jam sebelum studio rental dibuka. Bagi Anda yang menyewakan sound system juga harus merawatnya secara berkala.
3. Beriklan
Secara bertahap menyebarkan iklan dan promosi studio musik berupa selebaran-selebaran di sebar langsung di jalan atau di tempel di tempat-tempat yang sering dikunjungi. Sekolah, Kampus, Wartel dan kalau perlu di pinggir-pinggir jalan juga bisa. Dan jangan lupa sebarkan iklan-iklan tersebut sesuai dengan waktunya. Misalkan menjelang liburan atau menjelang malam minggu. Promosi ini hukumnya wajib untuk dilaksanakan minimal sebulan sekali, jangan menganggap kegiatan ini hanya buang-buang uang saja. Sebetulnya tidak, cara ini efektif untuk mencari langganan baru.
Sediakan juga stiker untuk dibagikan kepada para penyewa, trik lama ini sebetulnya sangat efektif, apalagi jika sticker yang kita buat sangat menarik. Kalau Anda mempunyai biaya lebih, Anda bisa mengundang promotor musik atau orang yang ahli di bidang manajemen musik untuk berbagi pengalaman. Ini akan menambah antusias pecinta musik untuk datang ke studio Anda. Atau Anda bisa menyediakan alat musik Indonesia sehingga studio Anda memiliki ciri khas sendiri.
4. Program dan Diskon
Adakan selalu program diskon-diskon yang menarik. Misalnya; tiga kali menyewa studio minimal 2 jam akan diberikan gratis 1 jam penuh. Atau minimal 3 jam sewa akan diberikan free softdrink. Bisa juga minimal 3 jam sewa akan dapat voucher yang dikumpulkan sampai 10 voucher bisa ditukarkan dengan 1 jam sewa gratis. Apa saja dan bagaimana saja caranya.
5.Kotak Saran
Setiap ada yang latihan di studio anda jangan lupa berikan kertas untuk saran dan kritik untuk studio yang kamu sewakan.Kotak saran ini sangat penting untuk mengoreksi/mengetahui apa yang kurang di dalam pelayanan dan studio yang anda sewakan.
Seperti yang pernah saya tuliskan jika usaha seperti ini adalah usaha yang “sangat lama” untuk “balik modal” Karena apalagi ini termasuk usaha Jasa. 1 tahun pertama adalah 1 tahun buang-buang uang, ya! untuk menjaring penyewa baru, untuk iklan, dan bertahan hidup jika sedang kosong penyewa, bertahan hidup ini maksudnya untuk bayar operator, retribusi sampah, listrik, telepon dan lain-lainnya. Sekedar secuil saran kecil bisa juga sambil berjualan baju-baju yang berhubungan dengan musik. Atau aksesories lainnya yang berhubungan dengan musik, misalnya selain kaos, aksesories seperti bandana, kalung, cincin, anting dan lain-lainnya. Mudah-mudahan Anda bisa bertahan di tengah persiapan studio musik & lahir grup musik baru dari studio Anda